Free shipping!

Free Shipping

We offer 100% free shipping to anywhere in the world!

Free Worldwide Shipping

It can be frustrating when you find a product or service online that is exactly what you were looking for, but when you go to place an order, you are met with a high shipping cost. It can be heartbreaking! However, it is not something that you need to worry about when you place an order with us.

Delivery Times

It takes up to 2 business days to process an order and up to 10 business days to ship after an order is processed. While we do our best to deliver your order as soon as possible, please be aware that the above processing and delivery times are only estimates.

Taxes and Duties

While we do offer free shipping, customers are responsible for all international tariffs, taxes and value-added tax (VAT). These charges must be paid when the order is delivered to its final destination country. Additionally, customs charges and import duties may apply.

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